Documents Ask a Question!10247987 - SVÄRTA Loft bed frame - Assembly Instruction10247987 - SVÄRTA - Assembly Instruction10247987 - SVÄRTA Loft bed frame - Assembly Instruction10247987 - SVÄRTA Loft bed frame - Assembly Instruction10247987 - SVÄRTA Loft bed frame - Assembly Instruction10247987 - SVÄRTA Loft bed frame - Assembly Instruction Subscribe Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Nom* E-mail* Site web Δ Label {} [+] Nom* E-mail* Site web Δ 3 Comments Inline Feedbacks View all comments Chia Rong Lee 4 years ago what is weight limit for the kid ? Synnove Johnson Reply to Chia Rong Lee 27 days ago The total weight limit for the Svarta loft bed is 100 kg, including the mattress Amy 3 years ago Bolts 2017-01-04
what is weight limit for the kid ?
The total weight limit for the Svarta loft bed is 100 kg, including the mattress